
Getting started!

Other parts of my state woke up to snow this morning, we just had lots and lots of wind!  (Which is normal for spring here.)

My husband build another raised bed for me, so we now have three 4ft.x8ft. raised beds!  He also built a trellis for my raspberries last month.  They are finally starting to get tall and were all bent over last summer, so the birds got to enjoy most of the raspberries before we could get to them.  Now they have a wonderful trellis to grow on.  I even found 6 new little plants starting to grow this year!

One of my raised beds has strawberries in it and they are waking up from winter.  The other two don't have anything in them yet.  My son and I planted peas today on two trellises that are next to one of the raised beds.  It was too windy and a little chilly to get much else done! 

The two younger kids enjoyed digging in the dirt with me, though, the other day.  The youngest discovered the fun of mud!


The Beginning of The Growing Season!

Where I live, it is the beginning of the growing season.  I am a beginning gardener, but I had a lot of success last year with my garden.  Perhaps I was lucky, maybe I actually did something right, who knows!  So this year, I am taking the time to plan my garden and grow things that I will be able to use to feed my family.

I was lucky enough to have a blackberry bush planted at my house when I moved in 5 years ago.  The first summer we got tons of blackberries.  Every year since then, I haven't had that much of a crop.  I am thinking of adding another blackberry plant this year.  My kids love to eat them right off the bush.

We are trying to landscape and add some things to our backyard, so my garden starting is getting a little stalled.  We need to turn some dirt and move a raised bed before I can actually plant anything for this season, but my strawberries are waking up and I am sure in a few months I will have plenty of strawberries!

My 5 year old and I started some seeds indoors (zucchini, eggplant, pumpkin & watermelon).  He also started some sunflowers at school that are waiting to go outside as well.  The zucchini plants are starting to blossom so they need to go outside soon!  Hopefully this weekend...